

How do plant parts help plants?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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12y ago

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The roots of the plant, anchor it into the soil and absorb water and nutrients deep in the soil. As the plant grows, the roots spread out more and more.

The leaves take it sunlight and convert it into food for the plant to use. This is where photosynthesis takes place. The tiny cells inside the leaves contain miscroscopic structures called Chloroplasts. These Chloroplasts are like factories for producing Chlorophll- this is a green pigment that gives plants there color. (However some plants may not be green)

On the underside of the plant's leaves are microscopic structures called Stomata. Stomata are holes that can open and close independently to allow Carbon Dioxide to enter that plant since Carbon Dioxide is necessary for preforming photosynthesis. If you were to take a look at these Stomata, they would probably look like a bunch mouths opening and closing.

In flowering plants the flowers contain reproducive "organs" that help with pollination. The reason why flowers come in a wide range of beautiful colors is to attract insects such as bees and butterflies. When the insect lands on a flower, some of the pollen sticks to their legs and as they fly for flower to flower, they are really just helping with pollination.

The first structure of a flower is the Stigma, which is the female reproductive organ. It's the opening that leads to the Ovaries of the flower. This is where pollen comes through. The Style is a short passage way after passing through the Stigma. A flower usually has 2 to 6 Stamen- male reproductive organ. These are long delicate structures. So delicate that is you squeeze one in your hand, it just abbliderates instantly. The head of a Stamen is called the Anther. The Anther is filled with Microsporangium or flower sperm. Underneath the Ovaries is the Nectary where the Microsporangium and pollen meet.

The bark of wooden trees protects the tree from weather, erosion, and animals.

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