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Photo synthisis

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By photosynthesis

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Q: How do plants convent sunlight into energy?
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Why do plants need energy of sunlight?

Plants use the energy from sunlight to carry out photosynthesis.

How do plants get gas?

plants get there energy from sun

What is the primary energy source for plants?

The primary energy source for plants is sunlight. Through a process called photosynthesis, plants capture sunlight and convert it into energy to fuel their growth and survival.

What is he ultimate source of energy for plants?

Water ,sunlight

Can An Plant Grow With No Sunlight?

No, plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, a process in which they convert sunlight into energy to grow. Without sunlight, plants will not be able to produce energy and will not be able to grow properly.

What is the energy source in a plant?

Plants get their energy from the sunlight.

Where does plants and algae get there energy from?

They Get it from sunlight.

Plants capture the energy of this?


Source of energy for plants?


What is the structure and function of the chloroplasts?

Chloroplast allow plants to capture energy from sunlight.

Why plants need sunlight and water?

plants need sunlight and water to conduct photosynthesis, which is how plants make energy.

What is the plants source of energy?

Plants get their energy from sunlight which in turn makes glucose and sugars.