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Q: How do platelets travel around the body?
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What functions as the medium through which blood cells and platelets are transported through the body?

Plasma is the liquid in which blood cells and platelets are carried around the body. Plasma is almost completely water.Hope this helps!

How do harmones travel around the body?

Hormones travel around the body through the blood.

Why are platelets important to the human body?

Platelets help the body to protect wounds by creating a scab

How many platelets can be safely removed?

it depends on how many platelets you have in your body.

Where is plasma found in the human body?

Plasma - is the clear liquid that the red & white blood cells (and platelets) float in around the body.

Is arteries one of the materials carried around your body by the circulatory system?

Arteries are some of the vessels that the blood travels through. They are part of the circulatory system, but they don't travel. Some of the things carried around the body in the circulatory system are red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and immunoglobulins.

What are the blood components that help the body to control bleeding?

Platelets by Kyrie Irving

Why does an animal have platelets?

An animal has platelets because when they get a wound the platelets rush to the area and they release fibres that stop the blood from escaping the body.

What is a sentence with the word platelets?

The platelets count of the sick person was very low. It means the count of protective cells in the body.

What is the blood clotting cell in the body?


Where do white blood cells red blood cells and platelets travel in to go wheere they are needed in the human body?

Since they are, blood tissues, they are can travel all over a person's body through blood vessels i.e arteries, veins and capillaries and some others.

When you cut yourself platelets in your body rush to the wound to form what?

Platelets form a clot at the site of a cut.