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it helps police investigation to see if it was committed by e serial criminal

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Q: How do police use DNA to solve crimes?
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What is another word for recombinant DNA?

Another Word for DNA is very simple it is Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Also DNA is a easy way to identify things about yourself. Many police and scientist use DNA to solve Murders or Crimes and also Mysteries

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How do the police solve a crime today?

If the crime happens in front of them they arrest immediately. If not, it is done by means of investigation.

When did the police start using DNA?

Police first started using DNA in criminal investigations in the late 1980s. The first case to use DNA evidence to secure a conviction was in 1987. Since then, DNA has become a vital tool in solving crimes and identifying suspects.

What are the benefits and the limitations to using DNA to solve crimes?

The benefits of using DNA to solve crime are many. Every human has their own DNA which means that no matter how well someone tries to hide their identity, they can never change their DNA. This translates to being able to use DNA to track down a criminal or identify a victim's body. The limitations of the process are many though as DNA can wash away before it is collected.

What technology does a policeman use?

There are many technologies used by Police Officers to solve crimes and catch criminals. Some of these technologies are Wireless Radios, Desktop Computers, the Internet, Close Circuit Television.

Why is chromatography used in the police?

the police use chromatography to solve crimes, for example if they wanted to solve if a drug or a substance was illegal or legal they would use paper chromatograhy which would mean they would place the substance or a drug on paper dip it in a testing liquid which could be water for example and if the paper turns purple for example that liquid may be illegal or if that dot of the certain substance rises over 5cm for example it may be illegal so chromatography comes in very handy for the police and solving there crimes ! Hope this helped ;) xxx

How do detectives use forensics to solve crimes?

Detectives use forensics to solve crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence from crime scenes, such as fingerprints, DNA, fibers, and gunshot residue. This evidence can help connect suspects to the crime, establish timelines, and reconstruct events that occurred. Forensic analysis can also help generate leads, corroborate witness statements, and provide crucial information for building a case against a suspect.

What is concept of DNA fingerprinting?

It's basically the way of identifying someone by their DNA in an analogous way to using their fingerprint. This method is often used by the police (at least in the United States). To analyze DNA, they use a process known as gel electrophoresis.

How do forensic scientists use bugs to solve crimes?

the bugs they found might have a clue to where the body was or is!

What tools and technology do detectives use to solve crimes?

Detectives use a variety of tools and technology to solve crimes, such as forensic testing equipment for analyzing evidence, databases for collecting and organizing information, surveillance equipment for monitoring suspects, and crime analysis software for identifying patterns and trends. Additionally, detectives may use tools like fingerprint identification systems, DNA analysis technology, and digital forensic tools to aid in their investigations.

Why do police officers use spreadsheets?

to keep count of the amount of crimes someone has made