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Q: How do political changes affect private sector organisation?
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How far do political changes affect the business?

They can destroy a business or make them rich!

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It was influenced because England was the owner of the colonies.

How do changes in political system affect society?

Changes in a political system can impact society by influencing the distribution of power, resources, and opportunities. They can also shape public policies, values, and institutions that ultimately affect the livelihoods and well-being of individuals within a society. Additionally, changes in the political system can lead to shifts in social cohesion, trust in government, and the overall functioning of society.

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Not everybody wili be able to vote!!

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because technology could help someone these days to get a job

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How does freedom of information request affect an organisation?

No private entity is required to respond in anyway to a FOIA act request (nor state, county, or local governments). The law only applies to the federal government and its agencies.

What affects a business externally?

Several external factors affect a business. This includes political events, social changes, as well as the economic performance of the country.

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it helps the Americas role become easier using the changes of the geographical and political map over 50 years following World War II.