

Best Answer

ahemm... let me get my voice ready:

helllerrr darling, it is absolutely splendid that you have come to join us for teaa-aa. Why we were just discussing whether or not a hankerchief is an obligitory (don't know what it means but it's a big word) item to use for our supper.

The people you possibly refer to as 'posh' talk just like everyone else. It's only those who feel inferior when listening to others talk who put labels on the way others talk.

In the same way, you might ask, 'How do stupid people talk?', or, 'How do plumbers, or doctors, or secretaries, or carpenters talk?'. Again, it's all in your perception of the person or people doing the talking.

There are people who went to one school and believe those who went to another school are inferior to them, or somehow better than them. Sad, isn't it?

Perhaps you need to develop a perceived 'posh' way of talking for a part in a play, or something similar? Your best examples might come from books and movies which stereotype people from different social classes; satire frequently does this very well.

The old Marx Brothers movies are a great example: Groucho's put-downs of the upper-crust are hilarious and the movies are worth watching for that alone.

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