

How do preps look like?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How do preps look like?
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Do preps date preps?

yes like people in my class (s nd a )

Why do girls like to be preps?

They need to feel like they fit in somewhere. They can't find it other places. And they think preps have everything better. But that's actually, believe it or not BS!!!

Is hollister for preps?

I work there and my answer is this: Hollister is going more for the vintage SoCal look, so the answer is no.

Do girls like preps?

In opion I love preps with me being one myself what kind of prep might you mean like the gay kinda prep or the perky or what if you give me some more things i could help you alot depends on the girl reality i hate preps alot.they all get on my for me its a no.... It just depends on the girl, I personally like preps but a lot of other kinds too. So you never really know. == == == == == ==

Why do preps hang out in groups?

preps hang out in groups because there always gossiping. the always have something to talk about. like some girl doing this or this hot guy or spreading roomers. me personaly i hate preps! they drive me crazy and are always so annoying.

When was Preps On The Net created?

Preps On The Net was created in 2007-05.

Does Nick Jonas like preps?

he dated miley cyrus. nuff' said.

Does Justin Bieber like preps?

just bieber does like preps because he doesnt like girls that wear make up infact he hates it when girls wear make-up. He thinks every girl is beautiful in their own way and the don't need make-up :)

Why students have to buy uniforms?

Students have to buy uniforms so they can be an equal to their peers in school. A good way of explaining this is nerds and preps. A lot of people don't like nerds because they dress up weird. A lot of people like preps because they dress up nice. Nerds get picked on because how the dress and preps get admired for how they dress. So to make things go right you have to buy uniforms.

Why do everyone hate preps?


Who are the preps in the novel the outsiders?

the socs

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