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Q: How do producers get the chemical energy they need to live and grow?
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Where do producers get the energy they need to live?

They get their energy from photosynthesis.

How consumers acquire energy to live?

By eating producers or other consumers.

How dos animal get the energy they need to live?

consumers eat producers to obtain the energy they need to survive

A what supplies organisms with food energy and other resources needed to live?


Where do you get the energy you need to live and grow?

the energy that we need to live and grow is to exercise daily and do a balance diet.

Is a hawk an autotroph?

No. An autotroph (auto = self; troph = nutrition) is an organism that obtains the energy it needs to live and grow via energy from the sun (photoautotrophy) or energy stored in the chemical bonds of simple inorganic molecules (chemoautotrophy). An owl is regarded as a heterotroph (hetero = other) because it obtains the energy it needs to live and grow by consuming other living organisms, such as rodents.

What is a chemical substance that an organism requires to live?

Nutrient. If working on word wise, the answers are 1. chemosynthesis 2. ? 3. nutrient 4. producers 5. binome 6. biogeochemical cycle

Where do you get the energy to live and grow?


Where do plants get energy live and grow?

Break down of sugar by photosynthesis

Where do producers get energy from?

They get their energy from their will to live. Their great desire to keep on existing on this planet allows then to be self-sufficient. So what I'm trying to say is that the passion in their hearts give them energy and power.

Do all communities have both consumers and producers?

Producers MAKE all the food there is, they harvest the energy form the Sun and turn it into chemical stores called sugars. In doing so they use up Carbon from the CO2 in the air. Consumers eat the stuff plants have made and "steal" the energy in it. As they live they breath out CO2, releasing the Carbon back into the air. Therefore to have life as we know it we MUST have both Producers and Consumers present in living communities BOTH are required to fulfill the Carbon cycle.

How do we get the energy to live and function?

Human are chemo heterotrophs. They obtain chemical energy. Mainly from food