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Prokaryotic cells reproduce and divide using binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis. It just depends on the species of cell.

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Q: How do prokaryotic cells reproduce and divide?
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Looking at a cell under a microscope you note that it is a prokarote?

If you observe a cell under a microscope and determine it is a prokaryote, this means that the cell lacks a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells typically have a simpler structure compared to eukaryotic cells and are commonly found in bacteria and archaea.

Why do Prokaryotic cells divide?

Prokaryotic cells divide through a process called binary fission, which allows them to multiply and reproduce. This division is essential for the growth and survival of prokaryotic organisms like bacteria.

Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called what?


What does a prokaryotic Cells do?

The majority of cells on Earth are prokaryotic, classified into two major groups, the bacteria and archaea. Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission.

What does a prokaryotic cell?

The majority of cells on Earth are prokaryotic, classified into two major groups, the bacteria and archaea. Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission.

Do prokaryotic cells grow and reproduce?

Yes, prokaryotic cells can grow and reproduce. They do this through binary fission, where the cell duplicates its genetic material and divides into two daughter cells. This process allows prokaryotic cells to increase in number and population.

Prokaryotic cells divide through the process of mitosis?


Does eubacteria reproduce by binary fission?

Yes, eubacteria reproduce by binary fission, which is a form of asexual reproduction where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This process allows for rapid multiplication of eubacteria populations.

How do prokaryotic cells divide?

Prokaryotic cells divide through a process called binary fission. During this process, the cell duplicates its genetic material and membrane, then divides into two daughter cells. This type of cell division is simple, efficient, and rapid.

What are reason cells divide?

That's how they reproduce.

Most prokaryotes divide by way of?

binary fission, a process where a single prokaryotic cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

Is a prokaryotic cell asexual or sexual?

prokaryiotic cells do produce asexually and sexually