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They don't.

A psy-vampire has transcended the need to steal life-force via the blood consumption means, does so 'directly', without physical contact. So there is no vector for the vampire contagion to infect victims.

If a psy-vampire wanted to turn somebody (make a victim into a vampire) he/she would have to relent to going back to the blood letting scheme.

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Q: How do psi vampires turn people?
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Do vampires turn people into vampires?

In stories, movies, and folklore. In reality, vampires do not exist.

Do vampires cause people to change into a werewolf?

What? How would you even get to that conclusion? Vampires turn other people into vampires.

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Psychic Vampire (Psi Vampires) and Wiccans can and do get along. This is more of an individual basis concept though. Some will get along and some won't, it just depends on who the two people are.

How are people transformed into vampires in True Blood?

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How do people turn into vampires?

They have to get bitten by one!If you want to be a vampire i suggest you get to searchin! LOLZPeople can't turn into vampires since they are only myth.

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No, there is not. Feeding on them will not turn people into vampires.

Are there any vampires looking for people to turn?

well yes some vampires will turn anyone others have to have some kind of interest in the person... Actually the desire to turn other people into vampires isn't a high priority with vampires. They are more interested in their own self-preservation then propagation. Most vampires are in fact ignorant of the process to do so.

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Vampires mostly turn into bats but there are some sources which have them able to turn into other animals - wolves, rats, spiders...

What amimals can vampires turn into?

vampires in twilight don't turn into animals, but other vampires turn into bats

I heard vampires are real to some extent if this is true there must be one that knows of a way to turn into one other than a bite am i correct?

people can not only turn into vampires when they bite them like me people can also be born vampires.

In homestuck Im to lazy to find out when or why but when or why do the people in Homstuck turn into vampires?

They never turn into vampires. Fairly sure the Trolls show up in Act 3.

What is the reason for energy vampires existing?

Energy vampires, also known as Psi-Vampires, are a type of vampire that feeds off of the energy of other people. I do believe, in my own personal opinion, that Psi-vampires are a more evolved form of the regular blood-drinking vampire so that they can still feed but blend into society better. Psi-Vampires can feed without having to make any physical contact and it makes them seem more human. I mean seriously, how obvious and awkward is it to have someone walk up to you and try to explain that they need you to done blood to them or they'll die? Very awkward. I see the energy feeding for vampires as a way of protection.