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Pure science gives basic information that is needed to create new technology, but new technology also gives scientists the tools that they need to further extend their research, and to thereby learn more pure science.

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Q: How do pure science and technology depend on each other?
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How do science and technology depend upon each other?

Technology is the aftermath of the being of science. Without the science to learn about anything, how can there be ways to invent new technology.

Relate the discussion of scientists' tools to how science and technology depend on each other?

Science and technology depend on each other because of the use to make observations. Plus many scientist use telescopes which have been made by technology !

In which ways does science and technology depend from each other?

Science needs technology so that it will have new tools for observing the universe. Technology needs science for the fundamental ideas needed for improving or creating technology.

What does technology has to do with science?

Science creates technology which helps create science! Technology is like robotics and computers science is chemicals and nano technology they support each other!

How are technology and science differ from each other?

science is chemicals and stuff technology is machines and stuff

How science and technology depend on each other?

If technololy is son, science is its deals with the basic photons are responsble for light and i ..whearas technology is like bulb...u dont worry 'bout inner working details

Which is more effective science or technology?

Short answer: neither Long answer: Science and technology are interdependent of each other. Science relies on technology to progress, and technology relies on science to do the same.

How science technology and society related to each other?

Technology supplies the tools that society uses, science supplies the understanding of how the technology works.

How is science and technology related to each other?

Science and technology are related in a great many ways. Technology is used to carry out scientific processes for example.

Does the fields of technogly and science contribute to each other true or false?

Type your answer here... The fields of technology and science contribute to each other.

What distinguishes technology and science?

Science is the system of acquiring knowledge and technology is the usage and the use of tools, crafts and knowledge. Science influences technology and technology influences science also technology and science are influenced by society and society is influenced by technology and science. It is like triangle that each side affects the other sides.

Are science and technology are interdependent?

Science snd technology are interdependentbecause they use each other to go with the way of life. Technology uses the life of science to make new things and science uses the life of technology to observe new things with those new instruments and devices they use.