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Technology supplies the tools that society uses,

science supplies the understanding of how the technology works.

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Q: How science technology and society related to each other?
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What distinguishes technology and science?

Science is the system of acquiring knowledge and technology is the usage and the use of tools, crafts and knowledge. Science influences technology and technology influences science also technology and science are influenced by society and society is influenced by technology and science. It is like triangle that each side affects the other sides.

How is science and technology related to each other?

Science and technology are related in a great many ways. Technology is used to carry out scientific processes for example.

What is the important of Science technology society?

science technology is important because if we dont have science technology then we cant invent gadgets that we use to make hand work easier like computer,cellphone and other things that is been invent by science technology

What are the scientific articles which tell how chemistry relates to society and other sciences?

with the growing aspiration for a better quality of human life through science and technology, chemistry and other related sciences offer possibilities to achieve that desire.

Is it true that science and society interact but have no influences on each other?

No, that is not true. Science and society do influence each other. Nothing changes society more than technology which is developed as a direct result of scientific knowledge, and scientific progress depends upon financial support which derives from society.

How is science in technology related?

Science and technology are closely related but they are not synonymous. Science is about understanding the universe in which we live, and technology is about using that understanding to create useful inventions or other innovations. Technology is applied science.

What type of website is the Science News?

It is an online magazine of the society for science and the public. The contents are generally scientific findings, studies and other news related to science.

What does technology has to do with science?

Science creates technology which helps create science! Technology is like robotics and computers science is chemicals and nano technology they support each other!

Which is more effective science or technology?

Short answer: neither Long answer: Science and technology are interdependent of each other. Science relies on technology to progress, and technology relies on science to do the same.

How is science different from other human endeavor?

it is because science is really the study of natural stuff for example animals and chemistry and other endeavor's such as technology are human made and creation but is related because we use science to create technology so naturally its not that different and I hope this helps

How physics related to technology?

Physics is everything that people invent or design to improve life from the old inventions & to lead to improved societies. Without physics a piece of technology and science is missing. Physics is a science that impacts all other sciences. Physics leads to new products and new technology. In fact all of the sciences are related to each other. The end result is a higher level of technology.

How are technology and science differ from each other?

science is chemicals and stuff technology is machines and stuff