

How do rainforest animals adapt in the rainforest?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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they change there body fat or thin if it if freezing or boiling

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14y ago

they adapt by the weather when it's raining they stay under the trees and when its hot they go hunting for food

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Q: How do rainforest animals adapt in the rainforest?
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That they would have to adapt to rainy and hot weather

How do rainforest adapt to there environment?

Rainforests have developed various adaptations to thrive in their environment, such as tall trees to capture sunlight, broad leaves for efficient photosynthesis, and dense foliage to retain moisture and provide habitat for diverse species. Additionally, many plants have evolved symbiotic relationships with animals for pollination and seed dispersal. The high biodiversity in rainforests helps in creating a resilient ecosystem that can withstand disturbances like storms and droughts.

How do animals adapt to their habitat in the rainforest?

The animals who live in the rainforests have had to adapt to their habitat, this is easy of course for birds, but land animals have had to camoflage and have to be used to not eating for long periods of time. Also they are forced to run fast from predators.

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It farted

How does rainforest adapt to its environment?

by sex

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By keeping the numbers of small animals in check, to make for a healthy biodiversity.

Is there a lot of animals in the rainforest?

there are millions of animals in the rainforest

What if a rainforest goes through a drought?

The trees and shrubs will die and the water will dry up. The organisms that live there (animals, plants, bacteria, fungi) will have to adapt to less water. If they don't adapt, they will die out. And the organisms that adapt will have different characteristics than the organisms that did not adapt and live in different regions.