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Q: How do religious leaders keep their power in theocracy?
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im pretty sure my mom doesn't keep the power

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im pretty sure my mom doesn't keep the power

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they thought the balance of power would keep them from dieing

Conservative leaders eliminated many past changes made by liberals?

Leaders tried to keep a balance of power in Europe.

What happen at congress of Vienna in 1815?

Leaders tried to keep a balance of power in Europe.

What often happens when there are attempts to unify groups in places that have culturally traditionally governments and deeply rooted tribal and ethnic divisions?

A. Leaders resist any action that undermines their power. C. Violence takes the place of diplomacy and peace. D. Leaders will strive to keep things as they are.

To what extent did religion strengthen political leaders power?

It depends on the type of religion and the type of government. In a theocracy, religious leaders have total power since they can call upon religious punishments against those who disagree with them. They might reason, "God gave me the power to decide, so to question me, you are questioning God, and that is a form of blasphemy, and the penalty for blasphemy is death, so therefore I sentence you to be executed." In governments where religion plays only an indirect role at most, religions are used to keep people complacent and willing to be taken advantage of by the government. If you can convince people that God will send them to Hell or some other bad place if they oppose you, they will be less likely to speak against you or to seek retribution if you wrong them. Most people believe that revenge is wrong. What if the reason they believe that is because governments crafted religion to make people feel that way? If you are a cruel, greedy, or criminal leader, it would be to your advantage if people were afraid to retaliate or oppose you because of their religion.

Which happens at the congress of Vienna in 1815?

Conservative leaders eliminated many past changes made by liberals.Leaders redrew the map of Europe.Leaders tried to keep a balance of power in Europe.

What happens at the congress of Vienna in 1815?

Conservative leaders eliminated many past changes made by liberals. (APEX) :DLeaders redrew the map of Europe.

What was a goal of the Anti-Federalists?

Keep the power in state governments, not in the federal government. They wanted a weak central government, with strong local leaders.

What treaty was signed in Vienna in 1815?

treaty of vienna. see, Leaders tried to keep a balance of power in Europe. Conservative leaders eliminated many past changes made by liberals.

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The main people who the Nazis targeted and putted into the Nazi Concentration Camps were:JewsEthnic PolesSoviet POW'sRomasHomosexualsMentally IllPhysically DisablesJehovah's WitnessesSlavsSerbsBlack PeoplePolitical OpponentsAnti-Nazi religious Leaders