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Q: How do ribosomes and vesicles interact?
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What Contains Enzymes That Break Down Vesicles?

lysosomes or ribosomes..

What do ribosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum have in common?

they both help the cells in may ways like the Ribosomes and Endoplasmi reticulum

What organelle makes membrane proteins and proteins for export out of the cell?

Rough endoplasmic reticulum exports protein to the Golgi body in vesicles, the Golgi body then modifies these proteins and then transports them, again in vesicles

What would a vesicle be in a city?

depends on what the "ribosomes" are. if people are the ribosomes, the best analogy for transport vesicles would be cabs.

Smooth endoplastic recticulum?

Endoplasmic reticulum consisting of tubules and vesicles and is free of ribosomes

Which organelles contribute to synthesizing protein hormones and packaging them into secretory vesicles?

Ribosomes , Golgi apparatus , Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which organelle moves proteins around the cell with transport vesicles and has attached ribosomes?

Transport Vessicles

How do the vacuole and the ribosomes interact with each other in a cell?

The nucleus sends instructions to the ribosomes for protein synthesis.

What are found in animal and plant cells?

animals-cell membranes, cytoskeletons, nucleus, ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, vesicles and the golgi complex plants-cell walls, cell membranes, cytoskeletons, nucleus, ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, vesicles, the golgi complex, and chloroplasts

What organelles are involved in protein synthesis and export?

Nucleus>>E. Reticulum>>> Ribosomes>>>Vesicles>>>Goli>>>cell membrane.The DNA (and hence nucleus and chromosomes), mRNA, Ribosomes, tRNA.

Does the Golgi apparatus include ribosomes?

Ribosomes put together amino acids to make protein.These proteins are transported to golgi .Then packs into secretory vesicles to transportation

What is larger vesicles or ribosomes?

No, ribosomes are not bigger than chloroplasts.