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Most rodents emerge to forage only at night when it is cooler. Many rodents do not need to drink water as they have a metabolism that is able to absorb the needed moisture from the food they eat.

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Q: How do rodents adapt to the heat and drought in the deserts?
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What adaptations do people have to survive in deserts?

Humans are able to alter their environment to make life in the heat of a desert bearable. Such items as air conditioning or even electric fans can make life in the desert more comfortable as well as constructing homes that are well insulated to hold in cooler air and keep out the heat.

What types of extreme weather are found in the desert?

Yes. Deserts, as they are commonly thought of (sand, sun, etc.) are home to intense heat in the daytime and surprising cold in the nighttime. Many deserts experience long-term drought and occasional sandstorms.

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heat coldness and drought

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some of the possible negative effects of drought and extreme heat is that it will lead do poor production in terms of agriculture.

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No, deserts have many animal species but they are usually not seen during the heat of the day.

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Do rats live in deserts?

Yes. Kangaroo rats live in deserts. Kangaroo rats are native to North America. They are rodents, not marsupials like their Australian namesake. They can be found in the arid and semi-arid areas of North America, specifically, Canada, the United States and Mexico, as long as there is some grass or other vegetation. They dig burrows to shelter themselves from the heat of their environment.

Compare plants that live in deserts with plants that live in the tundra biome?

Plants that live in the deserts and plants that live in the Tundra have commonalities and differences. One commonality is that they have both learned to adapt to very harsh climates. One difference is that Tundra plants are adapted to extreme cold, while desert plants are adapted to extreme heat.

What are some plants that grow in the deserts of Europe?

Europe does not have any deserts. It is too far north of the equator to have the level of heat to create deserts. There are hot and dry places, but no deserts.