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Q: How do scientist find the source of an infection?
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What measures should be adopted if pus ceiis present in urine?

Find the source of infection & treat it.

What is a sentence for secondary source?

It is a good idea to confirm your data with a secondary source.

What animal is the most common source of human infection from Campylobacter bacteria?

Chickens are the most common source of human infection.

What can cause throbbing pain and swelling in the roof of your mouth?

You probably have an infection. It may be from an upper tooth. The infection is causing pressure and swelling. You need to see a dentist right away to find and treat the source of the infection. If left untreated, the infection can spread and cause severe complications.

Could indigestion kill you?

yes source by scientist

Why is it important to locate the source of an infection epidemic?

To trace an epidemic back to its source, you should first find the common denominator between the infected. Next, you work your way backwards after finding each common factor until you reach the source.

An original work or a scientist's experiment is called?

Primary source

Where can you find a photo of a Filipino scientist?

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated at the bottom of this answer box.

Is staph infection the most common source of nosocomial infection?

I believe it is the root cause of most infections.

What is the name of scientist to find the earth?

No scientist found the Earth.

Do scientist think it will be possible to ever use fusion as an energy source?


How does a dog get a protozoan infection?

Usually by drinking from a protozoa-infested outdoor water source.