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Bones were discovered.

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Q: How do scientist know that Utahraptor ever lived?
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What state was the Utahraptor found?

:) Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but the Utahraptor was found in Utah.

Did yeti's ever exist?

No human has ever lived that long to know.

Do utahraptors fly?

As far as we know, the Utahraptor did not have wings, and was as such incapable of flight.

Did yeti's exist?

No human has ever lived that long to know.

How do scientist know the first Americans were hunters?

Scientists know that the first Americans were hunters by studying their burial grounds. They can study how they lived by how their remains were left and what was left with them.

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All humans who have ever existed have lived on Earth. Until a few centuries ago people did not know Earth was a planet, but they still lived here.

What other scientist lived during nikola teslas life?

The most know person was Edison.

The raptors in Jurassic Park are acually more like what raptor?

Well, in the first and second Jurassic park, they were most likely Deinonychus or Utahraptor.... NOT Velociraptor! In the third Jurassic Park, they were definitly Utahraptor! How do I know? I saw a Jurassic Park trading card ;)

Who coined the saying and they lived happily ever after?

I do not know who coined tje phrase but i know this . It mustve been a woman and an unmarried one at that!

What proportion of all species that ever lived has become extinct?

The exact answer is not known. We do know that it is over 99%.

How fast could a utahraptor run?

First of all, wikianswers are wrong. utahraptor doesnt mean, "PREDATOR FROM Utah", it means, "ROBBER OF Utah." )= [Second of all, the question isn't how fast a utahraptor CAN run. Its not how fast a Utah raptor CAN run; because if it can run, it would still be alive, but its not, so it should be COULD run. )= 0Also, i don't know the answer, i only wanted to say that, but if any one knows the answer, that would be cool. But i DO know it is the fastet dinosaur, if they were all still alive. = ]

How do scientist study plant and animals that lived a million years ago?

That was what I was thinking. Sorry I don't know. Maybe by the size shape and the pattern of it. Hope this helps.