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We actually know about what the stars WERE like, since our telescopes are picking up the light that they gave off a very very long time ago.

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Q: How do scientists know so much about stars in distant galaxies?
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What can scientists learn from a stars light?

Scientists learn the temperature of the stars light for exampleif the star is red- it's cold but it's blue- it's hot and if it's WHITE- IT'S VERY HOT ! that's how you know the temperate of stars (Determining the color)

How many stars does the human race know of?

There is only one star that has ever been observed in our solar system, but some scientists have theorized that there is a second star out beyond the Oort Cloud that only comes close enough to be observed every 32 million years. That length of time between observational periods would explain why a human has never proven its existence. =========================== On the other hand . . . -- About 2,300 stars are bright enough to be seen in the night sky by the unaided human eye. -- Enough individual stars have been observed and catalogued within the Milky Way Galaxy with modern optical and photographic aid to estimate that the total number of them in our local galaxy is between 200 to 400 billion stars. -- Two satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and one completely independent galaxy are near enough and bright enough to be seen in the night sky by the unaided human eye. -- Enough individual galaxies have been observed and catalogued with miodern optical and photographic aid to estimate that the total number of galaxies in our universe exceeds 100 billion galaxies. For a total count of stars, simply do the math.

Are any know stars 100000 light years away?

No. The Milky Way Galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter. The Solar System is about 26,000 light years from the center of the galaxy. Thus the furthest stars which are in the galaxy would be about 74,000 light years away but we can't actually see them because there is too much gas and dust and other stars in the way. The Milky Way does have four dwarf galaxies nearby. two of them are closer than 100,000 light years. The other two, the Magellanic Clouds are farther, 160,00 and 200,000 light years away, respectively. Individual stars can be seen in those galaxies and imortant studies of them have been made. In particular, study of the cepheid variable stars in those galaxies showed a simple mathematical relationship between their pariod of variability and their absolute magnitude, or brightness. Once the actual distance to a nearby cepheid was determined, this allowed us to calculate the distances to all known cepheid variables, including those in the Magellanic Clouds and other galaxies out to a few million light years distance.

How do we know that the Universe is expanding?

The main evidence is the redshift of distant galaxies; the only sensible explanation is a cosmological redshift, related to an expanding Universe. Other pieces of evidence are the microwave background radiation, which agrees very well with the predictions made by the Big Bang theory, and Olber's paradox - among others.

What is the difference between a universe and a galaxy?

The Universe is the whole thing, while a galaxy is only a part and there are billions of galaxies in the Universe.universe consists of many galaxies(astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust is known as galaxyEverything that exists anywhere is known as universeex:"they study the evolution of the universe"A 'galaxy' is a collection of stars and planets in one space orbiting a core or a very large star. The 'universe' holds all these Galaxy's and could be infinite.E.g. We live in one of millions of Galaxy's but all the Galaxy's live in one universe.(the best way I can explain it in typing.)

Related questions

What cause changes in the light coming from distant stars and galaxies?

The apparent redshift is caused by the Doppler Effect; the frequency of waves is increased by an approaching source and decreased by a leaving source. Since the fgrequencies we see from stars are slightly lower than they should be, we know that the stars and other objects are moving away. The Doppler Effect causes changes of light emanating from distant stars and galaxies.

Why do scientist study the light coming from distant galaxies?

They study distant galaxies because they want to know whats out in other galaxies and how many planets it has

Is there a place in the universe that is so distant from stars or other celestial bodies that if one were to be placed there one would see nothing but blackness?

If there is then we, being right beside a star, cannot know of it. We appear to be surrounded by stars and galaxies.

How far away are the most distant galaxies?

That is impossible to answer because scientist don't know ALL the galaxies.

What type of galaxy includes little gas and dust and no longer produces stars?

the galaxy that contains no blue stars is I DO NOT KNOW and i would like to know the answer too

Do stars form into galaxies?

Galaxies are vast collections of stars. So I guess you could say that a big group of stars forms a galaxy. Our galaxy has many big clusters of stars within it, so not all star clusters are galaxies. If you have a cluster of several million or billion (or trillion) stars surrounded by a lot of empty space, that is probably a galaxy.

How does electromagnetic radiation from distant galaxies support the big bang theory?

Given by the fact that electromegnetic energy cannot be seen and how the radiation from distant galaxies supports the big bang theory? it can easily be said that...I dont know the answer. (0_0)

Do scientists know of any other galaxies in the universe besides the Milky Way?


How do scientists study the movement of galaxies in the universe?

blah blah blah... I dont know...

What fact do scientists believe provides evidence for the Big Bang Theory?

The continuous expansion of the Universe, with all Galaxies receding from each other, is the foundation observation. The Big Bang is the computed start point when all lay together. And where physics as we know it is quite insufficient to probe.

How scientists determine the distance of stars million light years away from earth?

i know astronomers use paralax for stars thay know by red shift if ther moveing away and blue shift if coming closer may some galaxies are so far there lite wont reach us

What is the name of a distant galaxy with a black hole?

As far as we know, most, if not all galaxies have a massive black hole at their centre.