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Carbon-14 is in all living things and decays after it dies. It has a long half life (the time it takes for half a sample to decay into another element) and gives a good estimate as to how old something is.

Carbon dating is only effective up to an approximate age of 70,000 years, and is only useful in dating organic matter. Since the vast majority of fossils are much older than this, carbon dating is not particularly useful in dating fossils, but is of great use in Archaeology.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The C-14 is carbon 14 it is a certain type carbon. Carbon 14 has a half life of 5,730 years and by checking the amount of the carbon 14 is in a fossil the can see how old it is. After 11,460 years c-14 dating is useless.

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7y ago

The half life of C 14 is 5730 years. After a few half lives its useless.

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Q: How do scientists use Carbon-14 to date fossils?
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Why did scientists use trilobites as index fossils?

Trilobites were rapidly evolving and widespread organisms, making them ideal index fossils.

How does relative dating and absolute dating help scientists assemble a fossil record for an area?

Relative dating is the science determining the relative order of past events, without necessarily determining their absolute age Absolute dating is the process of determining an approximate computed age in archaeology and geology.

How can scientists use the fossil record to provide evidence that evolution of organisms has occurred over time?

Using methods such as radioactive dating, scientists can determine the approximate age of a fossil or the rock in which it was found. Utilizing this knowledge of approximate age, scientists can compare progressive fossils, and identify changes. Changes are often minimal, and sometimes organisms do not change at all for large amounts of time, making comparative analysis of fossils a tedious task. Some eras produced better fossils than others. This can have several causes, such as particularly prolific habitation of environments that more easily produce fossils, general population booms, certain mass extinction events, and even happenstance. Because some eras produce better or more fossils, and some produce few to almost none, the fossil record can sometimes falter. In such cases, scientific investigations may be forced to fill in blanks between species using genetic analysis of preceding and proceeding species or groups within species, if the fossil(s) contain(s) any remaining genetic material. In other cases, computers will be used to recreate images of the species based on fossils, and identify progression between species. In any case, the fossil record is often used as a base off of which to obtain or recreate further information about an organism's evolutionary history.

Can acriflavine expire?

If it has a use by date you are supposed to observe that date. I personally would ignore the use by date and use it

Why is the process of dating fossils often an example of circular reasoning?

I don't know how you arrived at that conclusion. But let say you're correct and there are some scientist that resort to circular reasoning; the finding will surely be debunked by other scientist and the original scientist will surely be disgraced. This is what separate evolution from creation; Creation is based on the supernatural and the faithful should believe the inerrancy of the Bible no matter what.

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What do scientists use to determine a fossil's relative age?

Carbon14 dating (isotopic dating)

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What is the usage of the geological time scale?

The use of it is so they can date all of the fossils and stuff for scientists to study and see what it was like in the past.

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Recording fossils No.

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scientists use carbon14 and potassium argon to find absolute age of rock

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Scientists use sedimentary rock to determine a fossil relative age by studying the rock.

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How do archaeologists date fossils?

Scientists take samples of the carbon remaining in the fossil. They then use a form of carbon dating to determine its age. (it doesn't have to be a fossil, it could be any ancient remain, even a skull from fifty years ago, or a plate from the 1700's. Just wanted to clarify that a little bit more!)

Why did scientists use trilobites as index fossils?

Trilobites were rapidly evolving and widespread organisms, making them ideal index fossils.