

How do seeds grow in to a new plants?

Updated: 1/1/2023
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11y ago

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Seeds form new plants through a fairly complex process called germination.

Plant seeds consist of a number of parts, the embryo being the part that will develope into a new plant. After a dormant period, the seed (if placed in the presence of moisture and warmth), will absorb water and swell. A small sprout will break through the seed shell - this is called a radicle and will develope to become the roots of the new plant.

Next a stem emerges, usually opposite the radical, and will develope either one or two small leaf-like structures. These are call cotyledons and will be seen above the ground. They will feed the new plant through photosynthesis until the actual leaves began to develope. The cotyledons will eventually drop off once they are no longer needed.

Presuming sufficient sun, rain and soil nutrients, the plant will continue to grow until it forms blossoms which, if pollinated, will develope some type of seed bearing device, such as a tomato, an apple, a pumpkin, a pea pod, or a nut. This "fruit" will ripen, drop from the plant, decay, leaving seeds that will go through a dormant period (usually), and the whole process starts over !!!

You can watch this process at home by planting a seed in soil in a glass jar. Use a bean seed (because they sprout quickly and grow like crazy), press it into the soil about an inch deep and close to the glass so you can see it. Moisten the soil (not too wet), place the jar in a warm place and wait. In about 10 days, you will have the beginnings of a new plant that can grow several inches per day under the right conditions!

(It is best to wrap the jar so that the roots do not receive any light. Just the above-ground part of the plant should receive light...but it is ok to peek at the roots as the seed geminates :).

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Chauncey Kihn

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Q: How do seeds grow in to a new plants?
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