

How do shrimp eat?

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11y ago

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they pick up the food with their legs and pop it in their mouths

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11y ago
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13y ago

shrip have a special gland close to there stomack were they eat.

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Shrimp normally scour the sea floor for food so shrimp don't normally eat live krill. Shrimp usually eat the leftovers of a krill.

Who will eat shrimp?

shrimp eaters.

What plants do shrimp eat?

Shrimp eat seaweed and plankton because they are omnivores

Does shrimp eat shrimp?

Normally, a shrimp would not turn cannibalistic. However, there are shrimp that eat other shrimp if they are infected such as those that contract the black rot disease.

What do baby shrimps eat?

Baby shrimp, and adult shrimp, eat plankton.

Can you eat shrimp on the Atkins diet?

Yes, you can eat shrimp on the Atkins diet.

Do shrimp eat plants?

Shrimp eat seaweed and plankton because they are omnivores

What do cleaner shrimp eat?

Cleaner shrimp eat the parasites from other organisms.