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Q: How do signals move away from the brain?
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How does each work?

The brain tells the nervous system to move which signals time for your bones to move.

How does each muscle work?

The brain tells the nervous system to move which signals time for your bones to move.

What are two things that help the body move?

signals from the brain to the area and the muscle contracting.

Why does your brain tell you what to move in your body and how to move it?

The brain is structured in the sections that separate taste from touch, and sight from hearing etc. Your brain has neurons when you tell your brain something, it sends signals to the neurons which convert those signals electrically and chemically to be sent off to the muscles to perform the action.

Does your brain control your every move?

Your brain does control your every move. Neurotransmitters send electrical signals throughout your body to make you move. Even though your brain controls your movements, you basically "tell" your brain to move in one direction or another.

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Which part of the human body sends signals to help you move breath and eat etc.?

The brain.....

What carries electrical signals trough our body?

Nerves do. Your brain sends electrical signals through your nerves to your muscles to make you move. Signals from the far ends travel through nerves back to your brain, so you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.

Can you find muscle tissue in plants?

yes because their is signals that contract from the brain to make the muscles move

The somatic nervous system carries signals to?

The somatic nervous system is associated with the control of body movements. It carries signals to the brain to tell the body how to move.

How do muscles get signals from the brain?

Brain sends signal through spinal cord to nerves. Nerves contract which muscle to move and sends a message back to the brain. BOOM! Movement.

What carry electrical in your body?

Your nerves do. Your brain sends electrical signals through your nerves to your muscles to make you move. Signals from the far ends travel through nerves back to your brain, so you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.