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Q: How do slope and gravity affect rivers?
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What is the flow of rivers?

Rivers respond to gravity, and flow downhill or down any slope. The current (flowing water) will react according to the slope down which it is moving.

How does gravity and friction affect the rocks and earth on a mountain slope?

you have sex :)

How slope of the area affect water in watershed?

The force of gravity keeps water flowing down hill.Where slopes are steep,the water in streams and rivers flows very fast. :) <3

How does the slope of a hill affect the runoff of a surface?

The force of gravity keeps water flowing down hill.Where slopes are steep,the water in streams and rivers flows very fast. :) <3

How does gravity and slope affect a river?

Gravity makes higher and lower water flow which makes it deaper or shallower.

How does a slope affect velocity?

the steeper the slope, the faster the velocity because the pull of gravity will be applied more since the resistance will be lower.

How does gravity affect materials on a slope?

It creates a creep and a slump, causing trees, bushes, ect. to curve/slant.

How do a river's slope and volume of flow affect the rivers sediment load?

The steeper the slope, the faster the water will run, and the more sediment it can carry.The larger the volume of water that is moving, the more sediment it can carry with it.

How do rivers slope and volume of flow affect the river's sediment load?

The steeper the slope, the faster the water will run, and the more sediment it can carry.The larger the volume of water that is moving, the more sediment it can carry with it.

Do rivers have a slope?

Yes, rivers have slopes. All rivers have land around them that is at a higher elevation that the river itself. When it rains, the rainwater flows down the slope and into the river.

What happens when gravity pulls water down a slope?

The water runs down hill. That's why all rivers lead to the sea.

Is groundwater powered by gravity?

Rivers are powered by gravity