

How do snake talk to other snakes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Probably scent. But of course, snakes do not "talk."

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Q: How do snake talk to other snakes?
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It depends on what species of snake and the location of the snake. Many snakes will eat other snakes, other common predators of snakes include birds and foxes.

What predators does a snake have?

A snake has eagle and other snakes as predators

What is a king snake called?

the king of the colobreed snakes cous it eats other snakes that's y its called a king snake cous it eats other snakes

Can snake eat a snake?

Yes. Snakes do sometimes eat other snakes. It is quite common in species such as king snakes and the king cobra.

Can a snake kill another snake?

Yes. Snakes have been known to kill and sometimes eat other snakes.

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Do what any other snake does.

What snakes kill other snakes?

King Cobras and Kingsnakes and any other snakes with 'King' in the name will eat other snakes. There are others apart from those mentioned that are ophiophagus (meaning that they eat snakes) such as the Indigo Snake.

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Yes, they are the easiest snake to care for and are hardier then other snakes, definetly the best beginer snake

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What would a snake eat?

Birds, foxes, and other snakes are common predators for snakes.

Do black snakes kill other snakes?

Black rat snakes will rattle their tails to simulate a rattlesnake and will strike if provoked far enough. If the snake happens to be on dry leaves, it will sound just like a rattlesnake. The gopher snake also will use this behavior when threatened.

Do red-belly snakes and garter snake get along with each other or will they eat each other?

Garter snakes eat other snakes. If the other snake is small enough for the garter snake to fit into its mouth, it will eat it. You should not put two different snakes together in any case - reptiles are not social animals, and do not enjoy being in the same cage with each other.