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We learn the most about ourselves from our family as they play the most significant role in shaping the person that we are, teaching us values and beliefs which we will carry throughout our lives. For example, a good, solid, caring family may give rise to a kinder, gentler person than a family that does not care whether the children get into trouble.

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1mo ago

Socialization plays a key role in shaping personality as individuals interact with family, friends, and society. Through these interactions, individuals develop values, beliefs, and behaviors that influence their personality traits. Different social experiences can lead to the development of unique personality traits.

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Q: How do socialization affects personality?
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Why Personality is a product of socialization?

Personality is influenced by socialization because individuals learn from their interactions with others, such as family, friends, and society as a whole. Through socialization, people acquire beliefs, values, behaviors, and attitudes that shape their personality and how they view the world. This process of socialization helps individuals develop their sense of self and identity.

How does Socialization affects to the student's life?

Socialization plays a crucial role in students' lives as it helps in developing communication skills, forming relationships, and understanding societal norms. It also contributes to their emotional and cognitive development, fostering a sense of belonging and identity. Positive socialization experiences can lead to improved mental health and academic success.

Describe the socialization process How socialization influence on personality attitudes and values Explains with the help of examples from the organization you are aware of Briefly describe the or?

Socialization is the lifelong process through which individuals learn the norms, values, and behaviors of society. In organizations, socialization molds employees' attitudes and values by introducing them to the organization's culture and expectations. For example, new employees may go through orientation programs to learn about the company's values and expected behaviors, shaping their attitudes towards work and their colleagues. Over time, continuous socialization within the organization reinforces and shapes employees' personalities, attitudes, and values based on the organizational culture.

Why is socialization necessary?

Socialization is necessary for individuals to develop social skills, learn cultural norms, and form relationships with others. It helps to shape personality, attitudes, and behaviors and plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness within society. Overall, socialization is essential for human development and overall well-being.

What is the difference between agents and agencies of socialization?

the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

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Why Personality is a product of socialization?

Personality is influenced by socialization because individuals learn from their interactions with others, such as family, friends, and society as a whole. Through socialization, people acquire beliefs, values, behaviors, and attitudes that shape their personality and how they view the world. This process of socialization helps individuals develop their sense of self and identity.

What agent of socialization is responsible for one's political party identification?

Political socialization affects partisan identification by use of emotions through attitude, gender, and ethnicity.

How does the environment affects the persons personality?

there not

How does gender affect personality development?

Gender can influence personality development through socialization processes, societal expectations, and cultural norms. Individuals may internalize specific gender roles and stereotypes that can shape their behaviors, interests, and self-concept. However, it is important to recognize that personality is also influenced by a wide range of factors beyond just gender.

How socialisation plays an important role in personality formation?

Socialization is crucial for personality formation as it involves learning social norms, values, and behaviors from others. Through interactions with family, peers, and society, individuals develop their sense of self, beliefs, and attitudes, shaping their personality. Socialization provides opportunities for individuals to internalize cultural expectations and develop social skills, ultimately influencing their personality traits and behaviors.

Tell how the daughter's personality affects the plot of the story.?

Beacuse her personality is different for the mother

What is the importance of self awareness and values in development in socialization?

Self awareness and values development in socialization is very important. This will help one to develop a unique personality in the society that s shaped by their personal traits.

What is the importance of self awareness and values development of socialization?

Self awareness and values development in socialization is very important. This will help one to develop a unique personality in the society that s shaped by their personal traits.

What is the important of self awareness values development in socialization?

Self awareness and values development in socialization is very important. This will help one to develop a unique personality in the society that s shaped by their personal traits.

How does racial socialization affect your attitudes and actions towards others?

Racial socialization affects your attitudes and actions towards others in various ways. You are able to mingle with different races and you can learn to appreciate them more by socializing with them.

How does parents attention affects the personality of their children?

they feel sad