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most southerns will go to their graves believing it was all about state rights and taxes. if only they would read the declaration of sessesion and the fugitive slave act they could die knowing the TRUTH.

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Q: How do southerns feel knowing their ancestors went to war to keep a race of people in slavery?
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Related questions

Who were the southerns in the civil war?

The people who were for slavery.

If the 13th Amendment abolished slavery why was the 14th Amendment necessary?

The 14th amendment was nessacary because even though the 13th abolished slavery southerns were still stopping black people from voting so the 14th punished anyone that stopped them from voting. :)

Why do the Jews celebrate Passover?

Jewish people celebrate Passover to celebrate their people's liberation from slavery. The holiday celebrates when Jews were freed from slavery in Ancient Egypt.

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?

Northern View Of Slavery- A vocal minority of northerners were abolitionists or people who wanted to end slavery. They believed that slavery was morally wrongs. Abolitionists favored a gradual end while others demanded that all slavery was outlawed at once. Not all northerners wanted to end slavery Southern Views Of Slavery Many southerns belied that god intend that black people should provide the labor for white "civilized" society

How did southerns manage to kill his proviso?

it made people happy

Why they had slavery?

The white people needed workers to work on big plantations, working with cotton and coffee. Knowing Black people were used to the heat, they wanted the black people to work with them.

Why do people still embrace the confederacy?

To southern people (me included) it is a very important part of your heritage. The Confederates stood up for what they believed in and even though they lost the war they fought courageously for their way of life. I agree. Many Southerners have ancestors who died in the war. They want to remember the sacrifices of their family but that does not mean they continue to support the same philosophy of their ancestors. As a southerner ,whose ancestors were in the CSA, I can say those people who do still do support their ancestors philosophy (of slavery) are dead wrong.

Why can't white people admit their ancestors guilt when it comes to slavery and oppression?

Africans, would enslave those, that their tribe conquered, and then proceed to sell them to the New World. Maybe white people are upset that your people, invade their lands?

What group of southerns measured their wealth partly by the number of enslaved people they controled?

Plantation Owners

Why were Alexander hamiltons plan to tax the people opposed by many southerns?

They did not want to bail the northerners out.

What arguments did white southerns use to defend slavery?

That cotton was America's biggest export, so the institution of slavery was beneficial. That slaves were simple, happy folk, content with their lot. That the slaves were much better-off in America than they would have been in Africa. That slavery was a perfect God-given arrangement of master and man. They called it a states rights issue. They argued that slaves were property or animals, not people, and were thus not entitled to rights. The best "scientists" of that day considered people with dark skin to be inferior. The southerners said slavery was necessary to help the economy. They convinced themselves that they were doing people from Africa a favor. They argued that slavery was a time-honored tradition and that even Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Who were the ancestors of the Pueblo people?

the ancestors of the pueblo peoples were called puebloans