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Q: How do stalacties and stalagmites form?
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What is stalacties and stalagmites made of?


What are the differences between stalacties and stalagmites?

Stalacties are secondary minerals that commonly form on the ceiling of limestone caves. Stalagmites are formations that rise out of the ground of caves - formed by calcium salt deposits left from water drips. Therefore the difference lies within where they are formed within the cave.

Is this statement correct Stalagmites form on the ceiling of a cavern?

No, it is stalactites that form on the ceilings. Stalagmites form on the cavern floors.

How do stalactites and stalagmites form?

Stalagmites form when water from the stalactite drips down water and that water has minerals in it

What compounds form stalactites and stalagmites and stalagmites?

Calcium Carbonate

What do stalactites and stalagmites join to form?

When stalactites and stalagmites join it is called a column

Where do stalactites and stalagmites form in caves?

Stalac"tites", top, or on the roof of the cave. Stalagmites form on the floor of caves.

How does stalactites and stalagmites form?


Do stalagmites form on the ceiling of a cavarn?

No, they form on the ground. Stalactites form on the ceiling.

What formations form in pillars on the floor of a cavern?


These formations form in pillars on the floor of a cavern.?

They are stalagmites.

What is the opposite of stalagmites?

The opposite would be stalactites, which form from the ceiling down, while stalagmites form from the floor up. (The venerable mnemonic is that stalactites hold tite/tight to the ceiling.)