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Static friction is a force that must be overcome to start motion. Kinetic friction is the force that must be overcomne during motion or the motion stops.

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Edwin Mitchell

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Q: How do static friction and kinetic differ from each other?
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How is static friction and kinetic friction differ from each other?

They are different because static means "not in motion" and kinetic means "in motion". Kinetic friction means friction that is moving and static friction means friction that is not moving.

What is the difference with static friction and kinetic friction?

static friction is the friction between two bodies they are in contact. And another sliding over the other. Kinetic friction is the friction between two bodies they are rolling .And that force is opposite to the rolling angle

What is static friction and kinetic friction?

Static friction is the friction between two objects that are not moving relative to each other (eg: a desk on the floor not moving), kinetic friction is the friction between two objects that are moving relative to each other (eg: a desk sliding on the floor)

What are the two kinds of friction?

There are two types of friction : static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction occurs when two objects are touching but are not moving relative to each other. For example, static friction can prevent a box from sliding down a slope. The static friction between this box and the slope (and between any objects) can be calculated using the equation : Fs = µsN where µs is the coefficient of static friction and N is the normal force. Kinetic friction occurs when two objects are touching and moving relative to each other. For example, the kinetic friction slows down a box sliding down a slope. Also, when two surfaces rub together, there is kinetic friction. The kinetic friction can be calculated using the equation: Fk= µkN where µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction and N is the normal force.

When does static electricity happen?

When friction is created by two objects that are moving but not relative to each other, its called static friction. Static friction keeps an object from moving until friction is created to move it.

Why the coefficient of static friction is greater thant the coefficient of kinetic friction?

When objects are at rest on each other (i.e. static friction) their microscopic irregularities can settle into each other - and can also form electrostatic bonds.

What friction is used when an object sits still?

Static friction resists an object from moving when at rest (still) with respect to the surface it is resting on or in contact with. Kinetic friction, or dynamic friction, (normally what we think of when we say 'friction') describes the friction that occurs when one body moves relative to another body and when both bodies are in contact with each other.

What are 2 type of frictions?

Static and Kinetic friction, static is the friction between two objects when they are not moving (relative to each other) an example of this is and object staying still on a sloped surface. obviously, kinetic friction is the friction between two objects that are moving and making contact, for example wind resistance.

Why kinetic friction's cofficent is greater then static friction's cofficent?

It usually isn't ... it's the other way around. And static friction is greater because of settling ... i.e. the molecules at the surfaces can get closer to each other at rest. (They fit into each other's nooks and crannies.

What kind of friction generally produced the larger friction force?

Static friction produces a greater force than kinetic friction, given that all other conditions remain the same.

What is different between static friction and kinetic friction?

Between any two body surfaces in contact there acts an frictional force. A friction can operate between a given pair of solids, between a solid and fluid or between a pair of fluids. There are two types of frictional forces : kinetic and static friction. When two bodies in contact move with respect to each other , rubbing the surfaces in contact the friction between them is called kinetic friction. The directions of frictional forces are such that it opposes the relative motion. Friction forces can also act between two bodies which are in contact but not moving or sliding with respect to each other. The friction in such case is static friction.

What is the force that opposes the sliding of two surfaces that are in contact with each other?

kinetic frictionA second opinion:Kinetic friction is the resistance to sliding motion when they're already moving.The beginning of sliding motion is resisted by static friction.