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Q: How do stimuli and response relate to homeostasis?
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Does a gorilla undergo homeostasis?

Yes. In order to be classified as a living creature it must display homeostasis and six other traits. (growth, reproduction, response to stimuli, organization, adaptation, and metabolism)

What are the five properties of life?

The five main properties of life are: -ability to process energy -ability to reproduce -growth -response to stimuli -homeostasis

What is the difference between a positive and negative response in biology?

A positive response is when a response happens to a stimuli, and this response causes more of the stimuli to happen. A negative response is when a response happens because of a stimuli, and the response stops the continuation of the stimuli.

What is the number of characteristics that define you living thing?

Some people say 6, some people say's why: 1 Cells/Organization of Cells 2 Reproductions 3 Metabolism 4 Growth and Development 5 Evolution 6 Response to Stimuli -Homeostasis some people say homeostasis is the 7th but some people say its a part of response to stimuli... i would go with 7 but explain and response to stimuli and homeostasis are related

What are the properties of life?

The properties of life are: 1) Growth 2) Ability to Reproduce 3) Homeostasis 4) Organization 5) Metabolism 6) Adaptation 7) Response to stimuli

How do animal response to stimuli?

It respond to stimuli, by its own life.

What is responding stimuli?

Response to stimuli refers to a response to outside stimuli such as a noise or a smell. It is a term that refers to an organisms ability to respond to the outside environment.

What is the opposite of stimuli?


What is response stimuli?

this website does not answer any questions i have so do not use it ever again

What are the 8 characteristics of life?

1. 1+ cells 2. displays organization 3. grows and develops 4. reproduces 5. responds to stimuli 6. requires energy 7. maintains homeostatis 8. adapts

An organism reacts to a stimuli with a?
