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Bronchioles are the small branches coming off the bronchi going to avioles which is blood like leaders

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Q: How do the Bronchioles function?
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What is the function and description for bronchioles?

The d

What is the function of terminal bronchioles?

The bronchioles are divided into three types, each becoming progressively smaller. Terminal bronchioles are the second type and the final airways in the conduction zone. All bronchioles control the amount of air distributed through the lung by constricting and dilating.

What is the name and function of one Respiratory system?

the lungs. in the lungs there is are cool little things called bronchioles and in these bronchioles there are many hundreds of smaller things called alveoli.

Which is the best description of bronchioles?

description of the bronchioles

What are the different types of bronchioles?

There are the bronchi and bronchioles

What do the bronchioles connect?

The Bronchioles connect the brochi and the alveoli

What are bronchioles connected to?

Bronchioles are connected to................ the Aveoli and the Bronchi

What is the function of the bronchioles?

The bronchi, or bronchus is where the air entering the lungs are sent to each lung. The bronchioles are smaller airways that send the air on to the inside walls of the lungs where the alveolia allow the oxygen to be absorbed by the blood cells and oxegenate the blood for transfer throughout the body. Any of the fine, thin-walled, tubular extensions of a bronchus is a bronchiole that no longer contain cartilage.Function: Control of airflow resistance and air distribution in the lungs is controlled by the bronchioles. Any of the fine, thin-walled, tubular extensions of a bronchus is a bronchiole that no longer contain cartilage.Function: Control of airflow resistance and air distribution in the lungs is controlled by the bronchioles.

Are bronchioles found in the larynx?

No, bronchioles are found in the lungs, not the larynx.

What do the bronchioles' do?

The bronchioles carries inhaled and exhaled air to and from the alveoli.

What is the many little branches of the respiratory system?

it is bronchioles

What body cavity are the Bronchioles in?

Bronchioles are found in the pleural cavity.