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the piraiba catfishes diet consists of fish smaller than it and bassicly anything it can get

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figure it out for yourself idiot

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Q: How do the Piraiba catfish breed?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a goonch catfish and a piraiba catfish?

a goonch catfish has teeth and a piraiba catfish doesn't but it has a surated mouth.

Are there any fish that can swallow a man whole?

Yes, There are Great whites, Wel's and Piraiba catfish and maybe gulper eels. There are many kinds of prehistoric fish like Xiphactinus and Dunkleosteus that can swallow a human whole if it were around today.

What breed are fish with whiskers and spots?

catfish have whiskers and spots

Can you give me a long list of dangerous fish?

A list of dangerous fish includes Goliath Tigerfish , Piraiba Catfish, Goonch Fish, Great Barracuda, Wels Catfish, Giant Freshwater Stingray, Muskellunge, Alligator Gar, Electric Eel, Bullshark, Lionfish, Sea Snake, Stonefish, Blue-Ringed Octopus, and Chrionex ( Box JellyFish.)

How common is it for a none catfish breeder to have baby bristle nose catfish?

Very common. Bristlenose are easy to breed and will do so if conditions are OK for them.

What is the easiest type of freshwater fish to breed?

Channel catfish and talapia both are bred quite well commercially.

You only have one catfish and a few goldfish and the catfish had eggs how?

Catfish eggs are fertilized by the male after being They must be goldfish eggs. It is nearly impossible to have catfish breed on their own in a tank or pond. Any fish female can have eggs, the eggs are fertilized after the female lays the eggs. So if the eggs hatch then most likely they be goldfish.

What is mother catfish called?

A male catfish

What is the scientific name for a Catfish?

There are many fish in the catfish family, but here is a list of selected common species; Blue catfish-Ictalurus Furcatatus, Channel catfish-Ictalurus Punctatus, White catfish-Ameiurus Catus, Flathead Catfish-Pylodictis Olivaris.

What do Catfish do?

Catfish can swim. Some Amazonian catfish can eat people

What can catfish do?

Catfish can swim. Some Amazonian catfish can eat people

What does the piraiba eat?

It eats fish and other animals that are drinking from the Amazon river or live in the river and it's also known to swallow humans whole.