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Abolitionists used religion to justify their cause by emphasizing Christian values such as compassion, equality, and dignity for all individuals, regardless of race. They argued that slavery was incompatible with these beliefs and that it went against the teachings of love and justice in The Bible. Many abolitionists were motivated by their faith to fight against slavery and believed it was their moral duty to work towards its abolition.

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Q: How do the abolitionists use religion to justify their cause?
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What are the dysfunctions of religion?

Some potential dysfunctions of religion include promoting intolerance, fostering division among groups, and fueling conflict and violence. Additionally, some people may use religion to justify harmful or discriminatory actions.

How do you use religion in a sentence?

Genealogists try to identify what religion an ancestor practiced.Freedom of religion means people are permitted to practice any spiritual beliefs they choose.Her religion was Catholic but her husband practiced Mormonism.

What argument used to justify slavery appealed to people's religeus beliefs?

The argument used to justify slavery based on religious beliefs often cited passages from the Bible that appeared to support the idea of slavery, such as verses that discussed servitude or owning slaves. Slave owners would often interpret these passages as approval from God to own slaves and use them for labor. This interpretation was used to maintain control over enslaved individuals and justify the cruelty of slavery.

What is a repressive religion?

A repressive religion is one that imposes strict control over its followers, often through harsh rules and punishments. It may limit individual freedom, suppress dissent, and use fear or coercion to maintain authority. Examples include cults or extremist groups that manipulate or exploit their members.

Explain the two-fold understanding of freedom of religion as expressed in the First Amendment?

The First Amendment's freedom of religion clause protects both the free exercise of religion, allowing individuals to practice their beliefs without interference from the government, and prohibits the establishment of an official religion by the government. This two-fold understanding ensures that individuals have the right to practice their religion freely while also preventing the government from favoring or promoting any particular religion.

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How did nothern abolitionists use the written word to further their cause?

Newspapers were published, books written, handbills passed out.

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People use other people because they are selfish and think only of themselves. Religion has little to do with it--selfish people would justify their use of others by any means they thought would work.

How did slave owners use religion and the bible to justify their postions in southern society?

The defenders of slavery included economics, history, religion, legality, social good, and even humanitarianism, to further their arguments.

How do you use abolitionists in a sentence?

Such works went beyond white abolitionists, arguing for race consciousness

How can you use the word justify in a sentence?

Example sentence - We simply could not justify his actions regardless of his excuses.

What did the south use to justify their secession?

State's rights

How did northern abolitionists use the written word to frater their cause?

Northern abolitionists used newspapers, pamphlets, and books to spread their ideas about ending slavery. They wrote articles and essays highlighting the moral evils of slavery and advocating for its abolition, reaching a wider audience and mobilizing support for their cause. Additionally, they used writing to document the experiences of enslaved individuals and educate the public about the harsh realities of slavery.

What is the name for person who abandons a religion or party or cause?

Perhaps Apostate is the word you are looking for although its use has more conotations of leaving a religion than of leaving a cuase.

How does the Ku Klux Klan use Christianity to justify racism?

Using religion to justify murder, mayhem and atrocities is a common tactic of zealots. The Klan used Christianity, a religion that calls for peace and love, to beat, assault, mutilate and murder African Americans. Using a convoluted theory of Noah's descendant, Ham, being cursed, the Klan claimed this meant God wanted us to all be segregationists and prevent race-mixing.

How did they justify the decision to use the a-bomb?

It would save lives .

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Use a protractor

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there is informed consent