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The boys show mixed reactions to Ralph being replaced as leader: some are loyal to Ralph, while others are swayed by Jack's charisma and power. Jack responds by asserting his authority and using fear tactics to maintain control over the group. He becomes more authoritarian and aggressive in his leadership style.

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Q: How do the boys react to Ralph being replaced as leader how does jack respond?
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Ralph's first act of being elected leader in "Lord of the Flies" is to organize a meeting with the boys to establish rules for their new society. He prioritizes building a signal fire to attract potential rescuers and creates a system for granting the conch shell to those who have the right to speak during meetings.

What symbolized that Ralph was a natural leader?

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What does piggy do when Ralph slashes him with water Lord of the flies?

After Ralph slashes Piggy with water, Piggy yells at him for being unkind and immature. Piggy also criticizes Jack for becoming ruthless and embracing violence as a leader.

Explain the exchange of power at the beginning of chapter 8?

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What does Ralph do to make Jack feel better in Chapter 1?

When Ralph is elected to be chief he knows Jack is dissapointed (as Jack also wished to be chief) so he appoints Jack as leader of the choir and asks him what he wants them to be, to which Jack replies, "hunters."

Why is Ralph so worried about 'littluns'?

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