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Jack lied and told the assembled boys that Ralph had called his hunters 'cowards.' He also accused Ralph of being a coward and of being 'like Piggy.' Ralph, he said, wouldn't have got meat for them. The boy's however recognised that Jack was simply trying to smear Ralph in an attempt to be leader himself and they didn't back up his demand that they should vote against Ralph being leader.

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Jack criticizes Ralph's leadership skills, calls him a coward for not hunting, and accuses him of not caring about the boys' safety. He also undermines Ralph's authority by questioning his decisions and highlighting his lack of hunting prowess.

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Q: What negative things does Jack say to try and turn the boys against Ralph?
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Which two things does Ralph say that insult Jack?

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Ralph's suggestion that Jack isn't a good leader and should step down angers Jack. Jack responds by leading a mutiny against Ralph and creating his own tribe, leading to a power struggle on the island.

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Ralph takes a makeshift spear to use as a weapon against Jack in "Lord of the Flies." He repurposes a stick, sharpens one end, and uses it to defend himself and confront Jack's tribe.

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During the meeting in chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness Jack accused Ralph of being a coward. He also said that Ralph was, 'like Piggy. He says things like Piggy.' And that Ralph wasn't a hunter and would never have got meat for the boys.

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Jack refuses to listen to Ralph's attempt to call an assembly and instead challenges Ralph's authority by leading his group of boys away from the assembly point. This action represents Jack's growing desire to rebel against Ralph's leadership and assert his own control over the group.

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The only other boy who stood against Ralph in the election to be leader was Jack Merridew and he continued to challenge Ralph's leadership for the entire novel.

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Jacks weapon is so important for Ralph will take the weapon in attempt to use it against Jack.

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During the confrontation on the causeway leading to Castle Rock Ralph first called Jack a "Thief" and later when his temper was pushed beyond breaking point he screamed at Jack, "You're a beast, and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!""

How can you tell at the next meeting that Jack has grown very antagonistic towards Ralph?

Jack basically tries to publicly usurp Ralph's role as chief. Jack accuses Ralph of not being a "real" chief. He accuses Ralph of being weak, liking Piggy and making the boys do boring things. He chastises Ralph for fearing the beast and not getting meat. Jack then asks for a re-vote. The boys don't openly vote Ralph out. Jack goes into tantrum mode and storms off. Most of the boys join him later.