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Q: How do the bronchi allow oxygen to get into the blood easily?
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How does the bronchioles allow oxeygn to get into the blood easily?

how do the bronchi allow the oxygen to get to the blood

What are the structures that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood?

The tiny air sacs of the lungs were oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged are the alveoli.

What is the job of the bronchi in the body?

When you breath in ( inhale) the air enters the lungs through the Bronchi/Bronchus which divides up into smaller airways called BRONCHIOLES, the bronchioles send air into the inside walls of the lungs where the alveolia allow oxygen to be absorbed by the blood cells and oxygenate the blood transfer throughout the body so basically the bronchiles send air into the inside walls of the lungs to allow the alveolia to absorb oxygen and transfer it throughout the body, the alveolus/alveolia is a air sac that holds the oxygen.

What picks up oxygen in the lungs?

Bronchi are in the lungs. Off the two bronchi branches are broncioles and off of those are alveoli which take in the oxygen

What happens to oxygen after it enter the lungs?

It passes across structures called Alveoli (part of Bronchioles, part of Bronchi) that are full of capillaries to allow blood to pass nearby and pick up the oxygen (binding to red blood cells by osmosis) then that is carried to the heart, then pumped out to the bodies organs which gather the oxygen and trade CO2 for it.Or if you want it simpler;The tissues in the lungs puts that Oxygen into red blood cells which go through your blood stream giving it to organs that need it, such as mussel and your brian.

What is the pathway of oxygen through your body?

The oxygen enters the body via the nose and mouth then travels down the trachea ( wind pipe ) then breaks into two bronchi (the bronchi splits the air into each lung) which then branches into lots of bronchioles which end in lots of alvioli.

Where does blood get new oxygen?

In the lungs. The blood is pumped from the right side of the heart to the lungs. Air moves into the trachea, the bronchi and finally to the alveoli. From the alveoli oxygen diffuses into the microcapilaries (small blood vessels) of the lungs.

What is the function of the bronchioles of the lungs?

ANSWER:The bronchi (singular: bronchus) are where air entering the lungs is sent to each lung. The bronchioles are smaller airways branching off from the bronchi that send the air on to the inside walls of the lungs where the alveoli allow the oxygen to be absorbed by the blood cells and oxygenate the blood for transfer throughout the body.

What are the main structures of the respiratory systems?

The main structures of the respiratory system are:mouthnosepharynx (throat)larynx (vocal cords)trachea (windpipe)bronchi (singular is bronchus; these are the two smaller tubes that are branches of the trachea)bronchioles (even smaller tubes off of the bronchi)lungsalveoli (singular is alveolus; these are tiny sacs on the bronchioles that are surrounded by blood vessels that allow oxygen into the blood)

Where does air go after entering the bronchi?

Air moves from the larynx into the bronchial tubes then enters the lungs and is filtered into oxygen and other components by the avioli. The oxygen goes to the blood, and the other molecules (nitrogen, argon,helium,hydrogen etc.) are breathed out.

Were does carbodioxide you breathe out came from?

when you breath in oxygen, it goes through the bronchi in your lungs, through the bronchioles and then to the alveoli from there it goes to the capillaries where the oxygen dissolves into the blood through tissue that is one cell thick. as that happens, the carbon dioxide that is in your blood already, dissolves out into the alveoli. then it travels through the bronchioles, bronchi, and to your lungs, then out your nose.

Where does oxygen go after its in your mouth?

After the mouth (or nose), oxygen (as part of the air) goes down your trachea, into the bronchi, and through the bronchioli, into the alveoli, where it enters the blood and gets taken via the blood to the various parts of your body.