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Q: How do the characteristics of an air mass and its source region compare?
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The temperature and humidity of an air mass depend primarily on the source region of the air mass?

yes it does, it takes on the characteristics of its region.

What do the characteristics of air masses depend on?

source region actually the answer is air masses are classified by a combination of words the 1st word represents where the air mass forms(maritime or continital) the 2nd is the temperature(polar or tropical)

When air mass travels over land or water that has different characteristics than those of its source region what does it undergoes?

Air mass modification.

An air mass takes on its source region's?

coulds and wind

What are characteristics of warm ocean currents?

an warm air mass takes on the characteristics of the region over witch it forms.

How is moisture content and temperature of an air mass determined?

By The source region

How do air get their characteristics?

Air masses get their characteristics from their source region, which is the surface/region over where it formed. For example, if an air mass formed over an ocean near the equator, it would be called a mT. m stands for maritime (ocean) and T stands for tropical (near the equator/hot). Hope this helps people.

An air mass usually brings the weather of?

An air mass usually brings weather of its source region.

What happens to an air mass when it comes to a new region?

it carries along its characteristics moisture and temperture

Describe the air mass that forms over the waters of Atlantic ocean what letter designate the source region of the air mass?

Air Mass

Describe the mass that forms over the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean What letters designate the source region of this air mass?

Air Mass

If an area is described as a good air mass source region and what information can you give about it?

Good air-mass source regions are dominated by high pressure where subsidence forces air towards the surface. These high pressures also enable air to move outward from the source region.