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Q: How do the circulatorysystem work with tha nervous system brain?
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What system of the body does the brain work with?

the brain works with the nervous system

How does nervous system and respiratory system work together?

they both help your brain

What consist of the brain and spinal cord?

The nervous system

Does the nervous system work with the skeletal system?

The nervous system mainly works with the brain and peripheral nervous system. The skeletal system is comprised of bones. How ever the nervous system helps the skeletal system move.

How are proteins important in the nervous system?

The brain controls nervouse system ,brain needs protein to work better

How do reptiles's nervous system work?

They send messages to the spine from their brain.

What other systems work with the nervous system?

Spinal cord and brain

What part of the nervous system controls all body activities?

The central nervous system is the part of the nervous system that controls all body activities, but it could not work without the peripheral nervous system.

What two parts of the nervous system work with the brain?

nerves, and the spinal cord.

Which systems provide a benefit to the nervous system?

the skeletal and muscular system provide a benefit to the nervous system. without them, when your brain tells you to reach for a cup, those systems wont be there to physically do the action.

Does the nervous system only work for your nervous reaction or your emotions aswell?

Motor reaction is motor system, senses and pain is somatosensory system, emotion is limbic system. EVERYTHING is controlled by the brain and therefore the nervous system

How does the brain and nervous system work together?

The nervous system is connected through cells called neurons, which can be up to a metre long. these are connected to the spinal cords and also to the brain which is the head of the nervous system, the neurons break down into smaller receptors which are in our skin etc.