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Q: How do the different subsystems differ and what is its composition to the volume of the earth?
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Do samples with same volume melting point and shape have same composition?

The volume and shape are not important for the chemical composition; the melting point can be a serious indication but it is not an absolute criterion.

What is the difference between nano and bulk material?

Nano materials have dimensions typically less than 100 nanometers, while bulk materials have dimensions in the macroscopic scale. Nano materials exhibit unique properties due to their small size, such as increased surface area and quantum effects, which differ from the properties of bulk materials.

If a tumor of the glucocorticoid-secreting cells of the adrenal cortex crowds out the cells that produce aldosterone what is the likely effect on urine composition and volume?

The tumor would cause increased secretion of glucocorticoids and decreased aldosterone production, leading to increased sodium and water retention in the kidneys. This would result in increased urine volume and decreased urine concentration, leading to dilute urine with low sodium levels.

What is the volume of air in a bicycle tire?

The answer to that would differ a lot depending on what tire you're thinking about, and what the pressure is. Tires come in very different sizes, with very different volumes.

How does sounds differ from one another?

it can be different from each other with pitch and volume something can be high or low pitched. also it can be high or low

How do milliliter and cubic centimeter slightly differ?

If you mean by the volume they describe, there is no difference. They are the exact same volume.

What are the dimensions of a 90 liter drum?

The only dimension that can be determined is the volume: 90 litres. The height, length, and depth of different 90 liter drums may differ.

Do different liquids expand by different amounts for the same rise in temperature?

Yes, different liquids have different coefficients of volume expansion, which means they expand by different amounts for the same increase in temperature. This is because the molecular structure and composition of liquids vary, leading to different responses to changes in temperature.

Is 108 a constant for volume?

Since volume is an extensive property, there is no particular constant associated with it - indeed, by virtue of being an extensive property, it is not constant unless the mass, temperature, pressure, phase, and composition remain constant. There are, of course, conversion factors between different volume units - and the conversion factors are constants.

How does liquid differ from a gas?

A liquid has no defined shape, but has a defined volume. A gas has no defined shape and no defined volume.

What elements make gasoline?

Gasoline is not a simple chemical compound, it is a mixture of hundreds of different compounds. Most of the composition of gasoline consists of hydrocarbons, which are usually considered hazardous. Some of these hydrocarbons are: benzene, (up to 5% by volume), toluene (up to 35% by volume), naphthalene (up to 1% by volume), trimethylbenzene (up to 7% by volume), MTBE (up to 18% by volume), and about ten others.