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I'm not sure about the eyes... But the whiskers are that long because mice are noctournal, so there whiskers help them to sense what is around them during the day.

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Q: How do the huge eyes and long whiskers are useful to mice?
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What are the long hairs above a cats eyes called?

Whiskers. Cats haves whiskers on their cheeks, chin, the backs of their front legs and over their eyes! Another word for whiskers is vibrissa.

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Walruses look like huge seals but have long whiskers and big tusks.

What sense do they provide and how do long whiskers help hamsters?

Hamsters provide all of the senses humans do! their long wiskers are their second pair of eyes!

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Hamsters do not have good eyesight they depend on their sense of smell. so hamsters having long whiskers help them know were they are going and what they are doing its like anoth pair of eyes for them.

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vibrissae (whiskers), long tail--maintain balance, two teeth sticking out

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i have my guniea pig siting here with me he has long whiskers . but there not really long but there kinda long.

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Does a mouse have whiskers?

Yes, squirrels do have whiskers, but they are very fine.

Of what use are the cats whiskers?

The whiskers of any animal are very sensative and can feel the slightest change. Cats' whisers are a long as their body is wide; in tunnels, if their whiskers touch the sides of the walls they know they won't fit. When something moves along the tips of the whiskers the cat and sence what the image looks like, without their eyes!

How many hairs does a rabbit have?

The average rabbit has about 12 whiskers. Of their 12 whiskers, none of them are ever the same size. They help with balance, coordination, and senses.

How long are Panthers whiskers?

about 3 inches