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it helps them by telling them when to wake up and where to go

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Q: How do the instincts of migration and hibernation help animals to survive?
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Related questions

What is the noun in this sentence However some manage to survive by hibernation or migration?

The nouns in the sentence are hibernation and migration, compound object of the preposition 'by'.

Which instinct occurs when animals survive the harsh winter months by sleeping in a safe warm place until springtime?


Do animals loss hunting instincts from zoos?

Animals lose their survival instincts in captivity this is because they are not exposed to their natural habitat. If these animals are brought back into the wild, they will most likely not survive.

What does animal do to survive?

Different animals have different survival instincts that help them to survive in the wild. Some animals have the ability to camouflage themselves and hide from predators.

How does instincts help humans survive?

Natural instincts are what help all animals to survive. Without them, we wouldn't know or feel the need to eat, reproduce, learn, evolve and improve our species.

What triggers the migration instinct in birds?

So they can still survive whilst it is very cold over here and there is no food

Is hibernation an adaptation?

it is a behavioral adaptation because it is doing it EX. a bear hibernates :-)

Will a black panther make a good pet why or why not?

Wild animals do not make good pets. Animals have instincts that allow them to survive.

What are some of the characteristics that human shares with animals in general?

instincts,the determination to survive,and protection of their young

Animals that go for long summer sleep?

some animals that can survive the winter and not the summer go for long summer sleep.

Which animals live in temperete zone?

In geography temperate zones lie between the tropics and the polar regions. This region are home to bison, wolves, coyotes, swift foxes, quail and prairie dogs. Temperate zone animals must utilize strategies like hibernation and migration to survive the sometimes harsh winters.

What does hiberation mean?

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, heart rate, and reduced metabolic rate. During hibernation, animals conserve energy and survive on stored fat reserves.