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Q: How do the last lines in Macbeth act 1 scene 7 reflect the last words of scene 1?
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Reread scene 6 lines 10-31. compare and contrast the words of king duncan and those of lady Macbeth?

In this scene, King Duncan expresses his gratitude and admiration for the hospitality of Macbeth's home, praising its pleasant atmosphere and welcoming hosts. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, uses strategic manipulation to convince Macbeth to seize power by suggesting he lacks courage and masculinity. While Duncan's words highlight genuine kindness and appreciation, Lady Macbeth's words reveal her ruthless ambition and willingness to manipulate for personal gain.

What images do duncan's word in scene 4 conjure up?

In scene 4, Duncan's words conjure up images of trust, loyalty, and admiration towards Macbeth. He refers to Macbeth as a "valiant cousin" and a "worthy gentleman," highlighting his positive perception of Macbeth's character and bravery. These images showcase Duncan's faith in Macbeth as a noble and honorable individual.

What images to Duncan's words in scene 4 reveal?

The imagery in Duncan's words in scene 4 reveals his perception of Macbeth as a noble and trustworthy individual. He describes Macbeth's castle as pleasant and welcoming, symbolizing his sense of security and comfort in the relationship. However, this imagery also foreshadows the betrayal and violence that will later occur within those same walls.

What is an example of verbal irony in Macbeth?

An example of verbal irony in Macbeth is when Lady Macbeth greets Duncan warmly and hospitably while planning to murder him behind his back. This shows a stark contrast between her outward words and inner intentions.

What is the significance of the rhyming couplet in Macbeth words to the murdere?

The rhyming couplet is significant in "Macbeth" as it serves to conclude the scene of Duncan's murder. The rhyming couplet emphasizes the completion of the murder plot and adds a sense of finality and closure to the scene. It also echoes the thematic elements of fate and inevitability present throughout the play.

Who says I'll fight until the flesh has been hacked from my bones in Macbeth?

Macbeth says this line in Act 5, Scene 8 of the play. He utters these words in despair as he prepares to face Macduff in battle after realizing that the witches' prophecies have misled him.

What the rhyme that starts Romeo and Juliet?

The first four lines of the prologue rhyme the words "dignity", "scene", "mutiny" and "unclean".

What two words form the contraction make's in the play Macbeth?

The quotation in which this contraction appears is from Act II Scene 3. Macbeth says, "who could refrain,/ That had a heart to love, and in that heart/ Courage to make's love known?" In this particular quotation, the contraction is of "make his".

Where was a pun in 'Macbeth'?

A pun in 'Macbeth' can be found in Act 2, Scene 3, when the Porter makes a play on words by joking about how alcohol "provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance." This humorous wordplay serves as comic relief in an otherwise intense and tragic play.

When the enemy got resuppplied it was reported that Macbeth and banquo just?

"Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe", in other words they fought on harder. Act 1, scene 2

When macbeth enters how does lady macbeth again echo the words of the witches?

Lady Macbeth echoes the words of the witches when she says "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!". This echoes the witches' prophecy that Macbeth will become king.

What is the effect of Duncan's words in scene 6?

Duncan comes across as a kind and grateful monarch who has genuine affection for Macbeth. His praise of his castle and gratitude for their hospitality shows irony since he will never leave Macbeth palace and will be murdered by his "hosts". His words accentuate the villainy of the murderous duo.