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Q: How do the orbits of a moon and a planet differ?
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How do the orbit of planets differ from the orbit of moons?

A planet orbits a star. A moon orbits a planet or dwarf planet.

Why is a moon not a planet?

A planet orbits a star such as the sun. A moon orbits a planet.

How is planet different from moon?

A planet orbits a star whereas a moon orbits a planet.

Is a planet a moon?

No. A moon orbits around a planet. A planet orbits around the sun.

Does the moon orbit around a planet?

No, it orbits you. Of course! The moon orbits EARTH, our planet.

The moon orbits what planet?

The moon with the specific name 'The Moon' orbits planet Earth.

What is a natural satellite which orbits a planet called?

A natural satellite that orbits a planet is a moon

How is a moon different from a dwarf planet?

Generally, a dwarf planet orbits only the sun, whereas a moon orbits a planet, which in turn orbits a sun.

What is something in the solar system that orbits a planet?

A moon orbits a planet.

What planet is closer to the moon?

Earth is the closest planet the moon, as it is our planet's moon and orbits Earth.

What is the definition of a Moon?

A moon orbits a planet.

What moves in a circle around a planet or star?

A planet orbits a sun, a moon orbits a planet