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Habitat loss means the distruction of the animals natural home.

For example the distruction of the rain forest or the reclaiming of flood plains to build houses.

The effect on animals is they have no where to live so many die.

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6y ago
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12y ago

How an animal's habitat effects the animal depends on the habitat and the conditions. A cold climate will more likely prouduce animals with a thick coat, and a layer of blubber, whereas a hot climate will produce small, lean, mainly cold-blooded animals. A habitat with an abundance of food will produce social animals that thrive and produce often and in large quantities, whereas a habitat with little food will produce competitive, aggressive animals that produce rarely, and/or with small litter sizes. Habitat generally dictates which animals die and which animals live on to produce a new generation. This is what is known as natural selection. An animal that can blend in more effectively with the environment, or can find food more effectively, or can stay healthier will outlast the injured, the sick, or the impaired animals, and will live to pass on more genes.

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13y ago

Well if you have a Desert Lizard then you wouldn't put it in a mini-forest like cage and if you did get a panther as a pet then you wouldn't put it in a desert one either would you

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