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Q: How do the properties of a compound compare to those of its individual elements?
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How do the properties of a compound compare with the properties of the elements that make up the compound?

Compounds have different properties from the elements that make them. ... The properties of a compound depend not only on which atoms the compound contains, but also on how the atoms are arranged.

How do the properties of compounds compare to the properties of the individual elements that make up the compound?

Compounds cannot be separated by physical means while elements are made up of only one kind of matter.

What is true about a compound physical properties compare to those of the element it is made of?

The physical properties of a compound may be entirely different from the physical properties of the elements from which the compound is made.

True or false A compounds properties depend on the elements it contains and how they are compare?

We can say that this is true to some extent.We must all agree that the properties of a compound DOES depend on the elements it contains since a variation in the elements changes the properties of the compound.However, what we must remember is that the properties of the compound does NOT depend on the properties of the elements that make up the compound.A simple example is water, made of hydrogen and oxygen. Water is very different from the elements indeed.

How do the properties of a compound compare with those of its elements?

In general they don't. Table salt (NaCl), which is a solid and one that (within reasonable limits) we can consume safely, is made from a highly reactive metal (Na) and a seriously corrosive gas (Cl).

How would you compare and contrast the elements in group 1 and group 7 in the periodic table?

By listing their collective and individual properties, pointing out similarities and differences.

Can be used to easily compare properties of different elements?

The Periodic table

How do the properties of the elements found in the human body compare with the properties of the body itself?

lol i just forgot

Compare and contrast the properties of the elements of oxygen and carbon?

12-c 22-h 11-0

Compare and contrast compounds and mixture?

a substance produced when elements combine and whose properties are different from each of the elements. that's a compound. a mixture is a composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable of being separated. a compound is like C6H12O6 or glucose (plant sugar) or H2O and a mixture is like a pizza, with many different compounds.

How do the periodic properties of the d-block elements compare with those of the main group elements?

The main group elements have fixed valencies but members of the d block have multiple valencies.

How do the properties of a new substance compare with the properties of the original substances after a chemical change takes place?

the product's properties usually and may differ from the properties of the reactants. Example-salt-sodium, a soft explosive metal and chlorine, a toxic gas. make salt.