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Lipids have hydrophilic (water loving) heads, and hydrophobic (tails). Therefore, the tails face one another while the heads face out to the water. And if particles must pass through the cellular membrane that are hydrophilic they must go through protein channels within the cell membrane.

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Paul Wyman

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2y ago
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9y ago

Lipids have hydrophilic (water loving) heads, and hydrophobic (tails). Therefore, the tails face one another while the heads face out to the water. And if particles must pass through the cellular membrane that are hydrophilic they must go through protein channels within the cell membrane.

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12y ago

I was stuck on this in Biology class, too. Here's what I think to be the answer:

The lipids have hydrophilic, which means water loving, heads, and hydrophobic, which means water hating, tails. So, all the heads face one way while all the tails face the other. If particles pass through the lipid bilayer, which is basically a bunch of those hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails, they must go through protein channels within the lipid bilayer. This is similar to a cell membrane, because cell membranes let certain things into the cell, but don't let other things.

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9y ago

Lipids do give cells membranes a flexible structure that forms a strong barrier between the cell and the cell surroundings. Hence, the lipid surrounds the structure which then forms the shape of the cell.

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How do properties of lipids help explain the structure of the cell membrane?

Lipids do give cells membranes a flexible structure that forms a strong barrier between the cell and the cell surroundings. Hence, the lipid surrounds the structure which then forms the shape of the cell.

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How do properties of lipid help explain the structure of a cell membrane?

Lipids have hydrophilic (water loving) heads, and hydrophobic (tails). Therefore, the tails face one another while the heads face out to the water. And if particles must pass through the cellular membrane that are hydrophilic they must go through protein channels within the cell membrane.

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