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Q: How do the respiratory and circulatory systems work with each other?
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What way do the respiratory and circulatory systems depend on each other?

helps breathing

How does the circulatory system complete the work of our digestive and respiratory systems?

Some sort of system has to carry the nutrients to each cell and carry away their wastes. This job is given to the circulatory system.

What parts of the respiratory system function as the main sites of gas exchange?

In the respiratory system, it is the alveoli.In the circulatory system, it's the capillaries.They are similar in that both have walls that are only one cell thick, they are both the thinnest parts of their systems, and they are right next to each other. (They diffuse through to each other.)In the respiratory system it's the Alveoli and in the circulatory system it's the capillaries :D

Does your circulatory system interact with any other systems?

Yes. It interacts with all other organ systems. The 11 organ systems of your body are interdependent upon each other.

All of a body's organ systems interact with each other How do the cardiovascular and respiratory systems interact?

The cardiovascular system transports the oxygen brought in by the respiratory system to other areas of the body.

What important role does diffusion play in connection with the respiratory and circulatory systems?

Diffusion spreads the blood cells and any other cells around in the body and gets enough to each organ so your body doesn't fail.

Is the respiratory system part of the circulatory system?

No both of them are different but they meet each other in lungs where,exchange of gas takes place.

What organ systems perform interrelated functions within the human body?

organs are interdependent because they must work together to function, otherwise, we won't work properly. they cannot work alone. organs work together and organ systems work with another to function.

How the human body organized?

The human body is made of organs. Certain organs work together to form systems. We each have a respiratory and a Circulatory system, Digestive system and Excretory System.

How does the respiratory system and circulatory system connect?

In the lungs,Blood is exchanged adn sent to different parts of the body.

What is the relationship between the respiratory system and the digestive system?

These 2 systems are not related. They do not interact with each other.

Difference between the respiratory system and circulatory system?

The digestive system breaks down and absorbs food. The circulatory system circulates blood through your body. The respiratory system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide. With the help of the circulatory system it transfers these gases to and from your cells.