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People that are in need..

Not! People in need see very little of that money. In most areas more than 80% of the money you give, is being used to maintain and advance The Salvation Army's denomination of Salvationism.

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They have a clothing store where people can purchase clothes.

They also hand out clothes and food for free to the needy and also money.

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Q: How do the salvation army raise money?
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Why salvation army?

It was started to raise money for the weak and poor and fundraise for children who have problems.

Why salvation army started?

It was started to raise money for the weak and poor and fundraise for children who have problems.

How much money does the salvation army use of the money they raise?

They all share it some goes to the nurses some goes to the equitment well to buy the eqipment it all goes to help the salvation army

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It's a place where homeless people live and they raise money to give them food and shelter.

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The Salvation Army get this finance from people who donate money to them

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Does United States receive Salvation Army money?

No. The Salvation Army may receive some grant funds to help people, but the country does not get money from this group.

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By donating money

What is the full name of the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army's website refers to itself as "The Salvation Army" or the full name is "National Salvation Army."

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