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because when the sun hits earth in different angles and the climates get hotter in only some places.

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Chauncey Kihn

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Q: How do the shape and rotation of earth cause unevening heating?
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Related questions

What causes the unevening of the Earth?

The earth's tilt causes an uneven heating of the earth. The uneven heating due to the tilt causes the different seasons throughout the year.

What causes the wind belts of the earth?

the unequal heating of the earth's surface and the rotation of the earth

What are the two factors cause wind?

unequal heating and cooling cause wind but when large parts of earth get uneven heating, it causes prevailing winds. I'm sorry that I can't find a second one. Suspicious.

What cause global wind pattern?


Is global warming the primary cause of wind?

No. Wind is caused by a combination uneven heating of Earth's surface and Earth's rotation. There has always been wind on Earth and there always will be, with or without global warming.

What caused by the uneven heating of the earth and its atmosphere?

Pole. Specifically the North and South Poles. :)It is one of the factors that cause what we know as weather. Wind, ocean currents and evaporation, and clouds. Uneven heating works with the earth's rotation, upon the the land and seas to cause weather patterns flowing across the earth.It causes convective flows that are the major source of the Earth's winds.Convection occurs when air is heated and rises, then is cooled and sinks again. Uneven heating works with the Earth's rotation to cause weather patterns flowing across the earth. This creates unique climates based on the location of land and water areas.

Day and night are cause by?

the rotation of Earth on its axis.

What is the cause of the 24 hour day on earth?

the rotation of the earth around the sun. * * * * * No. It is the rotation of the earth on its own axis.

What is the cause of a hadley cell?

The Hadley cell is caused by the combination of the Earth's rotation and the unequal heating of the Earth's surface. As warm air rises at the equator, it moves towards the poles and descends around 30 degrees latitude, creating a circulation pattern known as the Hadley cell. This process is a result of the differential heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun.

The planetary wind belts in the troposphere are primarily caused by the?

Earth's rotation and unequal heating of earth's surface

What causes earths weather?

The answer is here:What_is_the_primary_cause_of_the_earth's_weather_system#1) Uneven heating of the earth by the sun2) Gravetation3) Earth rotation

What is an effect of the uneven heating of the earth by the sun?

The uneven heating results in some of the atmosphere to be warmer than other parts and changes in volume and pressure which result in updrafts and can cause thunderstorms and other violent weather.