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Q: How do the soil particles affect the infiltration in water?
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Which soil has highest infiltration rate?

Sandy Soil has the highest infiltration rate as sandy soil has big spaces between its particles.

How does the size of rock particles in soil affect the amount of water it can hold?

the answer to this question is that Soil with smaller particles can hold more water when Soil with larger rock particles can hold less water.....

What is the difference between infiltration and percolation?

Infiltration is when water is going into the ground. Percolation is when water is passing the water table underground.

What does infiltration mean in the water cycle?

water filling in the porous spaces of the Earth's lithosphere.

How does evaporation affect drainage systems in desert areas?

evapoation and soil infiltration.

What influences infiltration?

The process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. The rate of infiltration is affected by soil characteristics including ease of entry, storage capacity, and transmission rate through the soil.

The greatest amount of rainwater infiltration occurs on the side of a hill if the surface of a permeable soil has?

large soil particles and a gentle slope

What is the the removal of soil substances that can be dissolved in water called?

The answer is infiltration

What would lead to an increase in the infiltration rate?

Water soaks into soil faster if the soil particles are large and fit together loosely. This can be achieved by digging sand into the top layers, or by aeration with a garden fork.

Which soil texture has the best level of water infiltration?

Well aggregated and sandy soils have the highest water infiltration rates. Clay and compacted soils have the lowest infiltration rates.

Water that seeps into the soil is called?

Through a process called infiltration: water that seeps into the soil is called groundwater.

How easily water flows through soil or rock is called?
